How to Get Rid of Drupal's Ugly User Login Block

The User Login block is not a pretty sight. If you'd like to set up a website where part of the audience is anonymous users, then the User Login block is not welcome on each and every page. This is one of the first things I wanted to customize on my Drupal site, and it's easy:

Install the loginmenu module, enable it in admin/modules, and disable the User Login block in admin/block.

If this is the first Drupal module that you install, don't worry — it's easy: just extract the loginmenu directory from the distribution archive to the modules directory under the directory where your settings.php file is. Many modules have INSTALL.txt and/or README.txt files — read those for the exact instructions. loginmenu doesn't even have those, because it's so straight-forward to get going: just enable it in amin/modules, that's all...

Oh, one more thing: to customize the "Log in" menu item go to admin/menu and change it there.