Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Thu, 2011-03-17 12:20
This is work in progress...
I like working in Eclipse, and I've gotten used to having one project for each major Drupal version. This allows me to put the corresponding contribs inside the respective sites/all/modules directory and to just .gitignore them. That way I can let my local webserver serve each Drupal version without having to switch branches.
Set Up a Cache
Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Tue, 2011-03-15 23:02
Setting up msysGit on my Win7 box has been a bit of a pain.
Here's a step by step guide:
1. I don't quite understand what the Portable version is all about, but I went with the other one.
2. If you're not running as Administrator, then the Installer fails. So, run it as Admin. I had also installed TortoiseGit, and the Installer made me choose from
( ) Use OpenSSH
( ) Use (Tortoise)Plink
The former ultimately lead to success.