
The node_access Table

I'm starting to gather knowledge on how the ACL Drupal module works.

On a fresh install, the node_access table contains one entry:

nid gid realm grant_view grant_update grant_delete
0 0 all 1 0 0

This entry grants view access to all nodes. When you install an access module, this entry is replaced by module-specific node access entries.

Access Denied to Anonymous Users

How to Protect RSS Feeds in Drupal

If you reserve part of your site for authenticated users, members, or even more selected groups, and even if you don't, you'll soon find out about a problem with RSS feeds: feeds that are available only when the user is logged in, will obviously not be available when she's not. Nevertheless, she will set her feed reader to access the feed...

Controlling Access to Pages


If you need a way to control who can see your content, then you should tackle this early on. Generally, in Drupal 4.7, modules cannot deny access to certain nodes, but they must hide all nodes and then grant access selectively. If you already have content, installing such a module will make all of your content vanish!

I'm trying to find my way here, reporting as I go...

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