Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Thu, 2013-10-24 12:31
I found that Google/Gmail was suddenly filing email from my domains into the spam folder of the recipients. At that point I had implemented SPF a few years back. It's difficult to access whether SPF pass increases the chances for successful delivery, but SPF fails definitely increase the odds of rejections, which is a good thing, because it makes my domains unattractive for spoofing. This in turn has reduced the number of non-delivery messages (back-scatter) for spam that claimed to originate from one of my domains to just about none.
Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Sun, 2007-04-08 19:13
I would like to host multiple domains and subdomains on my server and be able to use SSL encryption with some of them. Typically, you need to have one certificate for each domain, and you can only have one certificate per IP address, because the SSL protocol is negotiated based on the IP address before the browser sends the host name.
Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Thu, 2007-03-08 00:42
I was running a mail server (SMTP and POP3) for the domain on the host and needed to move it to Here's how to do this:
Submitted by Hans Salvisberg on Wed, 2007-02-14 14:12
I have a number of email addresses that get nothing but spam, and I like to feed these to SpamCop's quick reporting service. This is easy to do with qmail, if you know how and if you have a paid SpamCop account.