Hans Salvisberg's blog

Update on installing qpsmtpd

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This is an update to my original instructions for installing qpsmtpd on a Linux system running under Plesk.

Just in case you don't have cc yet:

apt-get install build-essential

qpsmtpd is now on GitHub

qpsmtpd's README mentions installing the following "required Perl modules"

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::DNS'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install MIME::Base64'

How to import Nokia SMS messages into Android

The process is not straight-forward, but it's possible using the Anything to SMS (CSV, XML, SQL) Android App. The problem is that you tend to get the

Failed java.lang.Exception: No SMS imported.


To successfully import into a Samsung Galaxy S4, I used the following procedure:

  1. Use Nokia Suite to export the messages into a .csv file. You will get (at least on Windows) a UTF-8 file without BOM and with Windows-style line endings (CR/LF).

Remove Unused mailman from Plesk

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aptitude purge mailman psa-mailman-configurator

Open a MySQL Prompt under Plesk

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mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` database_name

Deploying DMARC (and DKIM)

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I found that Google/Gmail was suddenly filing email from my domains into the spam folder of the recipients. At that point I had implemented SPF a few years back. It's difficult to access whether SPF pass increases the chances for successful delivery, but SPF fails definitely increase the odds of rejections, which is a good thing, because it makes my domains unattractive for spoofing. This in turn has reduced the number of non-delivery messages (back-scatter) for spam that claimed to originate from one of my domains to just about none.

Start mysql as Administrator in Plesk

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Here's what (presumably Parallels, India) did:

cat /etc/issue
/usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa

use psa;
select id,name from domains where cl_id = vendor_id;
select id,login from clients where parent_id is null;
update domains set vendor_id=1 where cl_id=vendor_id;

Use Alternative UI Languages on Your Drupal Site

Drupal Planet:

I run some German-language sites, but I strongly prefer working with an English-language user interface. A possible solution is the Administration Language module, which lets you select an alternative langauge for the administration pages, but it falls short in several ways:

  • I want to see everything in English, not just the administration pages,
  • I have a deputy administrator who prefers to see the administrtion pages in German, and

Chinese Spam

Blog Topics:

For a while now I've been getting a Chinese piece of spam every day, supposedly sent by people like 魏碈, which is encoded as

From: =?utf-8?B?6a2P56KI?=

These pages have helped make sense of this:
BASE64 Decode and Encode
Wikipedia: Base64
UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters
RFC 2044 (UTF-8)


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